Lemon Mood
I'm in a lemon mood. It all started after I saw a little cooking hint. Place a lemon in the microwave for fifteen seconds and you get twice as much juice when you squeeze it. Who knew. Two lemons, one microwave, one eleven year old future scientist and the theory was proved. I will never squeeze a cold lemon again.
I then decided I needed a proper lemon squeezer, instead of the wooden one I've had all these years, and I found this pretty one at West Elm. So simple. The hunt for the lemon squeezer led to the yellow napkins. A wonderful touch of Spring for any table.
The book? The Secret Garden, a gift for a girlfriend's daughter that I found while wandering through Anthropology. It was one of my favorites as a little girl, and I think one of our greatest gifts can be passing along a book we love to the next generation. Of course the stroll through Anthropology led to the clothing section. The sunny soiree dress reminded me I still want to watch the Mad Men series. To me this outfit is the personification of the era. I can almost see a fifties housewife in it standing next to her Frigidaire.
The buttercup clutch made me smile. I think yellow does that to you. Do you think if I hold the clutch under my chin, you'll be able to tell if I like butter?
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